Minggu, 10 April 2011

1973_74_75_76 Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76  Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76 Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76  Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76 Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76  Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76 Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76  Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76 Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76  Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76 Fashion model Ida Royani

1973_74_75_76  Fashion model Ida Royani

1971_72_73_74 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih

1971_72_73_74 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

1971_72_73_74 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih

1971_72_73_74 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih            https://plixi.com/p/91110122

1971_72_73_74 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih

1971_72_73_74 Fashion model Titik Qadarsihhttp://img219.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=409623671_titik33_122_659lo.JPG

Singer Annie Rae and Singer Deasy Arisandi play a football match

Movie actor Debbie Cynthia Dewi

Movie actor Debbie Cynthia Dewi or Debby Cynthia Dewi plays a football match

Fashion model Poppy Dharsono

Fashion model Poppy Dharsono and movie actor Debby Cynthia Dewi or Debbie Cynthia Dewi play a football match with singer Annie Rae and singer Deasy Arisandi in Bandung

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Fashion model, dancer, model trainer, choreographer , singer, movie actor, movie dubber , theatre player , model agent Titik Qadarsih

Fashion model, dancer, model trainer, choreographer , singer, movie actor, movie dubber , theatre player , model agent Titik Qadarsih

1981 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih

1981 Fashion model Titik  Qadarsih

1981 Fashion model Titik Qadarsih

1981 Fashion model Titik  Qadarsih

1975 1976 Fashion model, dancer, choreographer ,singer, movie actor, movie dubber , theatre player , model agent Titik Qadarsih

1975 1976 Fashion model, dancer, choreographer , singer, movie actor, movie dubber , theatre player , model agent Titik Qadarsih


1975 1976 Fashion model, dancer, model trainer, choreographer , movie actor, movie dubber , theatre player , model agent Titik Qadarsih

1975 1976       Fashion model,  dancer, model trainer, choreographer , movie actor,, movie dubber ,  theatre player , model agent  Titik Qadarsih

Fashion model, dancer, choreographer Titik Qadarsih

          1975 1976       Fashion model,  dancer, choreographer , singer,  movie actor,, movie dubber ,  theatre player , model agent Titik Qadarsih

Fashion model Titik Qadarsih